Table 5.11 -- EDCS classifications whose label begins with G

Label Definition Code
GALAXY Any of numerous vast systems of <STAR>s, gas, and interstellar dust that exists separately in the universe and together contain nearly all of its visible matter; a galaxy. 455
GANTRY A frame <STRUCTURE> raised on side supports to span over or around something; a gantry. 456
GASTROPOD A <MOLLUSC> of the class Gastropoda, the members of which typically have a flattened ventral foot for locomotion and a univalve shell; a gastropod. Examples: a snail, a slug, a whelk, and a limpet. 457
GATE A <BARRIER> that controls passage on a <TERRAIN_TRANSPORTATION_ROUTE>; a gate. 458
GEOGRAPHIC_BASIN The <TERRAIN_SURFACE_REGION> that is drained by a <RIVER> and its tributaries or that drains into a particular <LAKE> or <SEA>; a geographic basin. 459
GEOGRAPHIC_INFORMATION A <LOCATION> or <REGION> where geographic information or statistics may apply. 460
GEOLOGIC_FAULT A fracture in the <TERRAIN> with displacement on one side of the fracture relative to the other; a geologic fault. 461
GEOPHYSICAL_SURVEY_PATH A path marked on the <TERRAIN> resulting from geophysical survey operations. 462
GEOPHYSICAL_SURVEY_POINT A survey <LOCATION> established for the collection of geophysical data; a geophysical survey point. 463
GEOTHERMAL_OBJECT A localized <TERRAIN_SURFACE_OBJECT> that is controlled by or derived from the heat of the interior of a <PLANET>. Example: a hot <SPRING>. 464
GLACIER A large mass of land-based <SNOW> and <ICE> moving slowly down a slope or <VALLEY_REGION> from above the snowline; a glacier. 465
GLADE A <TRACT> with few or no <TREE>s that is surrounded by a <TREED_TRACT>; a clearing or glade. 466
GOLF_COURSE A <TRACT> laid out for playing the game of golf; a golf course. 467
GOLF_DRIVING_RANGE A <TRACT> used for practicing golf shots; a golf driving range. 468
GORGE A deep, narrow passage in the <TERRAIN> with steep rocky sides; a ravine or narrow <CANYON> not necessarily caused by erosion; a gorge. 469
GOVERNMENT_BUILDING A <BUILDING> devoted to the act or process of administration of public policy in a political unit; a government building. 470
GOVERNMENT_FACILITY A <FACILITY> including one or more <GOVERNMENT_BUILDING>s; a government facility. 471
GRADATION_WORKS A <STRUCTURE> over which brine trickles and is concentrated through increased evaporation; a gradation works. 472
GRAIN_ELEVATOR A tall <STRUCTURE> or <SET> of <STRUCTURE>s equipped for loading, unloading, processing, and/or storing grain; a grain elevator. 473
GRAIN_STORAGE_STRUCTURE An enclosed <CONTAINER> used for storing grain or fodder; a grain bin or grain silo. 474
GRANDSTAND A <STRUCTURE> for special viewing of outdoor events that has tiers of seats or standing room for spectators; a grandstand. 475
GRASS_LAND A <TRACT> covered by uncultured <VEGETATION> that has little or no woody tissue; a grassland. 476
GRAVE_MARKER A <MARKER>, often located at a <CEMETERY>, indicating an individual gravesite; a grave marker. 477
GREEN_SPACE A maintained <TRACT> that is covered by <VEGETATION>, which may also contain pathways, intended to improve the appearance of a <BUILT_UP_REGION> but not to be a <PARK>; a green space. 478
GREENHOUSE A <BUILDING>, which is often constructed primarily of transparent <MATERIAL> such as glass or plastic, in which <<AIR_TEMPERATURE>> and <<RELATIVE_HUMIDITY>> can be controlled for the cultivation or protection of <PLANT>s; a greenhouse. 479
GROIN A <STRUCTURE> that normally projects outward from a <SHORE> and protects a <BEACH> from erosion by disrupting the alongshore movement of <SAND> and other <SEDIMENT>s but not by preventing <WATER_WAVE>s from reaching the <SHORE>; a groin. 480
GROUND_SURFACE_ELEMENT A surface <SOIL> characteristic of the <LAND>; a ground surface element. 481
GROUNDS A large enclosed <TRACT> surrounding or attached to a <BUILDING>, most commonly a <HOUSE>; grounds. 482
GUARD_TOWER An elevated enclosed <BUILDING> including one or more <GUARDROOM>s; a guard tower. 483
GUARDHOUSE A small enclosed <BUILDING> accommodating a guard or serving as a <DETENTION_FACILITY>; a guardhouse. 484
GUARDROOM A small enclosed <ROOM> accommodating a guard or serving as a <DETENTION_FACILITY>; a guardroom. 485
GUIDED_MISSILE_CRUISER A <CRUISER> equipped with guided <MISSILE>s. 486
GUIDED_MISSILE_FRIGATE A <FRIGATE> equipped with guided <MISSILE>s. 488
GULLY A long, narrow, deep erosion with steep banks; a gully. 489

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